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critical ratio中文是什么意思

用"critical ratio"造句"critical ratio"怎么读"critical ratio" in a sentence


  • 紧迫系数
  • 临界比关键比率
  • 临界比率


  • Objective . to compare direct measures of postoperative hematoma volume against a new measure of hematoma effect on the thecal sac : the critical ratio
  • In the paper the effects of the made parameters , the main materials and environmental conditions on plastic shrinkage cracking were investigated . it can be concluded as following : 1 ) there was a critical w / c ratio of maximum plastic shrinkage cracking between lower and higher w / c ratio of concrete mixtures made with the same cement content per cubic meter , concretes with lower or higher w / c ratio being less prone to plastic shrinkage cracking and the w / c critical ratio critical of maximum plastic shrinkage cracking being about 0 . 5
    本文研究了配制参数、主要原材料以及环境条件对新拌混凝土塑性收缩裂缝的影响,结果表明: 1 )单方混凝土水泥用量一定时,较低水灰比和较高水灰比对应的混凝土拌合物不易开裂,而中间某一临界水灰比对应的混凝土拌合物开裂较严重,这一临界水灰比为0 . 5 ;单方混凝土水用量或水泥浆量一定时,混凝土拌合物的塑性开裂趋势与上述情况相似,但临界水灰比分别为0 . 45 - 0 . 4和0 . 4 。
  • To provide theoretic testimony for deciding the size of treasury bonds , referring to the principia of macroeconomics , the author construct a equilibrium model of treasury bonds , work out the formula for the critical < wp = 5 > proportion of financial deficit to the gdp and for the critical ratio of treasury bonds to gdp , and educe the specific values of the two indexes through the demonstration analysis
用"critical ratio"造句  


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